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SEED is an environmental education program that teaches K-12th grade students about climate change through 5 strands of  curricula each focusing on a different aspect of environmentalism. Each presentation is approximately 45 minutes-1 hour in length and is given by a trained high school student. Through different combinations of these curricula strands, we can tailor meet the needs and constrains of any educational program. Whether we give just 1 presentation or all , the SEED program is happy to accommodate the circumstances of any organization to provide the best experience for young students. In addition, our website provides a variety of resources and information for students interested in learn about and combatting climate change.


Why SEED was founded


Humanity is on the path to a reckoning of a unimaginable magnitude. This path is laid out clearly before us, with steps carved of destroyed forests, fossil fuels, and our own hubris. To most of the people walking this path, its destination is not unknown, it is merely undefined. Climate change is viewed as an issue that will cause vague problems for vague people in a vague future. If humans are good at one thing, it's uniting against a common enemy.  There is no way to unite against an indeterminate enemy. In truth, climate change is not a problem of emissions, sea level rise, or deforestation, but rather one of education. It is only through education that we will be able to gain the foresight and the strength to step off our ill-fated path and forge a new, cleaner trail towards the future.​

SEED's objective is to tackle the problem at the core of climate change: education. We believe that by starting young, we can help encourage the next generation to make more environmentally friendly decisions as they grow up into a world that is increasingly in need of environmental consciousness. By carefully sketching a firm outline of what climate change is, what its effects are, and when these effects will display themselves, we turn climate change from a word these young students might have heard on the news once or twice into a well understood issue that they will be able to address going forward into their adolescence and adulthood. 

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